13 / 02 / 2025
12 / 02 / 2025
Modernization of the National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology
Identification code
State funding provider
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education
Research years
1.1. 2020 - 31.12. 2022
The main mission of the National infrastructure of chemical biology (CZ-OPENSCREEN) is the screening of biological activities of compounds and the identification of tools, probes and methods to be used in the basic research of cellular processes, mechanisms of disease genesis and pathophysiological cellular pathway intervention.The project "Modernization of the National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology” aims at modernization of the technological equipment and strengthening of the advancement of basic and applied research and development in the field of chemical biology and genetics within the National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology (CZ-OPENSCREEN). The project’s implementation will clearly contribute to a further increase in the international quality of research and its results within the infrastructure, while increasing competitiveness not only at the level of Czech science, but also of the Czech Republic itself.
National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology
Identification code
State funding provider
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Large RDI infrastructures projects (2010-2017)
Research years
1.1. 2020 - 31.12. 2022
The mission of the project “National Infrastructure of Chemical Biology” is to support a research center conducting basic and applied research in the field of chemical biology and genetics and to provide open access to its users. CZ-OPENSCREEN Infrastructure is a national node of the EU OPENSCREEN ERIC, which allows access to the international research platform and the European compound library.The main objectives of the CZ-OPENSCREEN research infrastructure are the identification of new molecular probes and tools for further research and validation of compounds suitable for the development of new potential therapeutics. Chemical biology represents a new interdisciplinary scientific field linking traditional research disciplines (cell biology, molecular and structural biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry and chem / bioinformatics), thereby providing the desired support to deepen the knowledge to date.
Upgrade of the National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology
Identification code
State funding provider
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education
Research years
1.1. 2017 - 31.5. 2019
Project objectives and aim: The project “Upgrade of the National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology” aims at modernization of the technological equipment and strengthening of the advancement of basic and applied research and development in the field of chemical biology and genetics within the National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology (CZ-OPENSCREEN). The project’s scope will consist in modernization of the existing equipment in laboratories associated in the CZ-OPENSCREEN consortium – the host institution IMG and the partner institution Palacky University in Olomouc. The project will ensure acquisition of new instruments – a non-contact acoustic liquid handling device and a compressor station for ensuring the chemical library’s internal environment. Their integration into the existing equipment will help achieve the goals of the project’s scientific programmes and will lead to the improvement and expansion of the infrastructure’s research in general. The research will be implemented by using the existing and modernized research infrastructure and will build on its existing research activities. The project will support activities directed toward the creation of complementary platforms for the testing of the biological activity of small molecules and obtaining data for identifying new molecular probes and tools for further research and validation of compounds suitable for the development of new therapeutics. High-quality project management will guarantee fulfilment of the project’s objectives. The project’s implementation will clearly contribute to a further increase in the international quality of research and its results within the infrastructure, while increasing competitiveness not only at the level of Czech science, but also of the Czech Republic itself.
National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology
Identification code
State funding provider
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Large RDI infrastructures projects (2010-2017)
Research years
1.1. 2016 - 31.12. 2017
Project objectives and aim: The mission of the „National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology“ is to set up and operate the research center for basic and translational research in areas of chemical biology and genetics and provide Open Access to its users. CZ-OPENSCREEN infrastructure represents a national node of pan-European ESFRI infrastructure EU-OPENSCREEN that enable users to access yo intrnational reasearch platform and European Chemical Biology Library of compounds. The main aims of the CZ-OPENSCREEN research infrastructure are the identification of new molecular probes and tools for research and validation of compounds for the development of new therapeutics. Chemical biology represents new interdisciplinary scientific discipline bridging traditional research areas of cell biology, molecular and structural biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry and chem/bioinformatics and thus brings desired support for deepening the knowledge.
CZ-OPENSCREEN: National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology
Identification code
State funding provider
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
National Programme for Sustainability I (2013-2020)
Research years
1.11. 2013 - 31.10. 2018
Project objectives and aim: The objective of the proposed project is to enable the continuity of operation and the development of the research infrastructure within the scope of the implemented project “CZ-OPENSCREEN: National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology” from the OPPK program. The goal of the project is thus to stabilize conditions for creating and implementing quality R&D&I results, to stabilize financial resources and to increase the competitiveness for funding and maintaining the continuity of research activities, for which the Center was established. The activities of the proposed project will use broadened capacities and technologies built and acquired for the implemented project. By enabling the continuity of research in the field of chemical biology, a further strengthening of interdisciplinarity in R&D will be achieved, as the project will bring together researchers from the fields of organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, developmental biology, neurobiology, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, and even SMEs engaged in the identification and development of new drugs. Through the implementation of the project, the stabilization of conditions for an increased competitiveness of the applicant and the entire CR will be achieved, as well as creating conditions for the development of international cooperation. The scientific scope of the project is to search for tools, probes, and methods destined for basic research of general processes in cells, mechanisms of disease formation, the possibility of influencing pathophysiological pathways in cells, and possibly the development of potential drugs.
CZ-OPENSCREEN: National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology
Identification code
State funding provider
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Large RDI infrastructure projects (2010-2017)
Research years
1.1. 2012- 31.12. 2015
Project objectives and aim: The aim of the project „CZ-OPENSCREEN: National infrastructure for chemical biology” is to build up the cutting edge infrastructure for the basic and applied research in the fields of chemical biology and genetics which will be the partner of the pan-European ESFRI infrastructure EU-OPENSCREEN. The mission of chemical biology/genetics is to identify molecules that can be subsequently broadly used as tools in biomedical research or as the basis for development of new pharmaceuticals.
Development of New Chemical Compounds with Anti-Tumor Activities or Use in Regenerative Medicine
Identification code
State funding provider
Ministry of Industry and Trade
FR-TIP (2009-2017)
Research years
1.1. 2012 - 31.12. 2015
Project objectives and aim: Majority of the tissues in the organisms contain a population of tissue specific stem cells. These adult multipotent cells are regularly involved in homeostatic self-renewal and tissue repair processes. The biology of the stem cells is regulated by a limited set of signalling cascades. Interestingly, the dysregulation of these cascades can ultimately lead to the cellular transformation. The main goal of the project is to identify and characterize molecules which support growth of the stem cells in vitro and/or induce cell death of malignant cells. In frame of the project vast numbers of small synthetic compounds will be synthesized and its biological activity will be tested and evaluated. The selected molecules can be potentially used as growth factors supporting survival of the stem cells during transplantations or as therapeutics in the treatment of cancer.
ReceptorX: Integrated Platform for Drug Discovery and Development
Identification code
State funding provider
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Programme of applied research and experimental development ALFA (2011-2019)
Research years
1.1. 2012 - 31.12. 2015
Project objectives and aim: Within the ReceptorX project the technological and informatics platform for nuclear receptor profiling will be established. The project is based on the collaboration of experts in research areas of nuclear receptors and high-throughput screening, organic synthesis, ADME/Tox and cheminformatics. The main objective of the project is the identification of biologically active compounds for the development of new medicines for treatment of serious human diseases.
CZ-OPENSCREEN: National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology
Identification code
State funding provider
Municipality of Prague
Operation Programme Prague Competitiveness
Research years
1.3. 2011 - 16.5. 2013
Project objectives and aim: The purpose of the project is construction of the infrastructure that will support basic research in the area of chemical biology and genetics and offer Open Access to academic researchers. This infrastructure is being equipped with state-of-the-art technology that includes an integrated robotic system for high-throughput screening, a system for automated microscopic high-content analysis and an integrated robotic system for compound storage and management. The mission of the project is to set up a national infrastructure for chemical biology which includes the national compound collection and the database that enable identification of research tools and probes to be used in basic research and in development of potential therapeutics. CZ-OPENSCREEN is a priority project in The National Roadmap of the Large Infrastructures and will serve as a National node within the ESFRI infrastructure EU-OPENSCREEN
Label-free Technology Platform
Identification code
State funding provider
Municipality of Prague
Operation Programme Prague Competitiveness
Research years
1.9. 2012 - 30.4. 2013
Project objectives and aim: The project started in September 2012 and should provide equipment for non-invasive real-time monitoring of changes in the living systems with the aim to identify molecules that could be used as tools for further biomedical research or in drug development process. The purchased instruments will supplement the current laboratory equipment within the National infrastructure for chemical biology CZ-OPENSCREEN and Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR, v. v. i.