InCHlib 1.2.0 - March 2015
- Alternative data support added (see Input format section and Alternative data example)
- Added support to display images instead of heatmap values (see Images as alternative data example and Fragment analysis use case)
- fixed_row_id_size option added to display row IDs with given font size
- columns_order option added as a possibility to change columns order in the heatmap
- navigation_toggle option added to turn off unwanted navigation features
- Bugfixes and minor improvements
InCHlib 1.1.0 - September 2014
- InCHlib 1.1.0 needs KineticJS 5.1.0 to run properly (KineticJS 5.1.0 is not compatible with previous KineticJS versions)
- Column dendrogram is now also interactive and has the same functionality as the row dendrogram (selecting clusters, zooming-in/-out)
- Added full-featured column metadata (see Input format section)
- Added max_percentile, min_percentile and middle_percentile attributes, these options also added to real-time coloring settings. values_center attribute was removed
- Added get_features_for_object() method which returns the features of object specified by object_id parameter
- Added add_color_scale() method which enables to add custom color scales
- Added redraw_heatmap() method which enables to redraw only the heatmap part of the visualization (when changing colors-related settings)
- InChlib can handle missing values
- Added possibility to zoom clusters by a long click of a left mouse button (700 ms)
- Some bugfixes and minor improvements
InCHlib 1.0.1 - August 2014
- Added button to export cluster heatmap as a high resolution image (show_export_button settings attribute added)
- Added color scale icon which enables to change color scales of individual parts of heatmap in real time
- Added update_settings() method which enables to change visualization settings in real time
- Added redraw() method for redrawing visualization e.g., with updated settings
- Automatic detection of presence of individual parts of cluster heatmap (metadata, column dendrogram) i.e., when metadata attribute is not specified InCHlib automatically detects whether the metadata are present or not
- Some bugfixes and code improvement
- jQuery is now used in a compatibility mode
InCHlib 1.0.0 - March 2014
- InCHlib 1.0.0 released