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DNA microarrays enable to simultaneously measure the expression level of large number of genes. Differences in gene expression help, for example, to investigate unique features present in healthy and cancer cells.

The displayed data set consists of the expression levels of 48,803 genes measured for 52 tumour and normal samples.

The data were normalized to (0,1) scale and clustered using Euclidean distance and complete linkage. After clustering, the data were compressed from original 48,803 to 373 data points characterized by the medians of original values. The boxplot was created using Highcharts JS library.

Data set information
Upregulation of IL-6, IL-8 and CXCL-1 production in dermal fibroblasts by normal/malignant epithelial cells in vitro: Immunohistochemical and transcriptomic analyses. Kolář M, Szabo P, Dvořánková B, Lacina L, Gabius HJ, Strnad H, Sáchová J, Vlček C, Plzák J, Chovanec M, Cada Z, Betka J, Fík Z, Pačes J, Kovářová H, Motlík J, Jarkovská K, Smetana K Jr . Biology of the Cell 104(12):738-751 (2012), Europe PMC 23043537

When the heatmap row is clicked, a boxplot showing expression level distribution in tumour and normal classes is displayed. When the cluster is selected, the boxplot displays value distribution over all genes present in the cluster.