In the first half of 2021, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) organised an international peer-review of large research infrastructures of Czechia. The purpose of this evaluation exercise was to obtain independent expert advice to adopt an informed political decision by the Government of the Czech Republic on the public funding of large research infrastructures in post-2022. The assessment comprised the interim evaluation of 45 large research infrastructure projects that are already financed by MEYS, and the ex-ante evaluation of 12 large research infrastructure project proposals, which were submitted as brand new in response to the outcomes of the large research infrastructures landscape analysis, mapping the science-disciplinary areas and economical fields, which haven’t been addressed by large research infrastructure projects so far. A comprehensive information material, summarising the goals and objectives of the international peer-review, principles of the methodology framework, monitoring criteria, composition of the international evaluation committee, as well as the process and the results of the assessment, was presented by MEYS at the meeting of the Czech Government, which took place on 6th December 2021. See the full article